
Karate for Decades has been a go to for parents and adults with it's focus on

  • Personal Development

  • Fitness & Self Defense

  • Traditional Values         

"It's not what we do.  It's how we do it."

                                                   Mr. Steve

There are a number of programs out there doing what we do.  Here is just a couple of ways we are different:

  1. Our small class restriction (16 per class) ensures individual attention to each Student in every class.  With a Student : Instructor ratio of 8:1 (8 students : per 1 Instructor) we guarantee personalized coaching and individual instruction with all of our classes.
  2. A positive coaching language designed to support and be affirming.  Directing students to improve their technique through inovation and self-discovery, rather than change their technique because they were incorrect.
  3. Creating a safe place to fail.  Learning to fail and changing that moment to an opportunity to learn is a key to any success.  Using failure as a teachable moment gives Students the chance to learn how to "fail forward" and empowers them to self- assessment and accountability.

               Book your the first lesson of your free week now!